Do People Really Care About Your Website Content?

Whether you are an influencer, an author promoting his book or a small-time business, with many users now getting their information online, everyone are scrambling to create websites.

These websites contain the information you wants to share with your target market, especially getting your message across to consumers.

But, even if your website looks brilliant and has enough content, you may be wondering why you are still not getting any sales or readership.

There are many reasons why people are ignoring your website content and here are some reasons why and how to improve your site:

There’s no strategy in your content

Some marketers believe that posting anything on the site regularly, even if it is not related to the brand is good because it keeps the site active.

But, this is so wrong because this causes your audience to think your content isn’t relevant to your brand or product. They will also think you do not have a clear idea of what your content should be like.

Before you post something, check if the content you plan to share is relevant to your brand or industry. You need to think about your business targets through this content.

Once you determine what kind of content you should share on your website, you can easily create a calendar about the posts you will share next.

You are not posting regularly

When creating content, it must be of high quality rather it being mediocre content to rake up daily views. However, if you only post these high-quality content once a month and stuff users with basic information, it can affect your site’s audience and their perception about your credibility.

To combat this problem, think about the content you plan to share with your customers and think of ways on how you can spice it up. You can include videos, pictures, and infographics that matches what you are writing.

Remember, not all viewers like to read text content so you need to be creative to get your content shared with the rest of the world.

Your content sound like sales pitches

Website content should not sound like sales pitches, which drives away people from getting to know your products better and get to know you.

A good way in reinventing your content is by providing your readers with the information they need to understand the product or service.

After discussing this information, you can then try to reach out to them by offering a solution.

You are not promoting your content

Spread the love. This is a common mistake that a lot of bloggers makes. Great content does not pull in readers automatically.

If you want people to go to your website, you should promote it properly. You may say you are promoting your site on your social media channels.

But, if you just share it without saying to your audience why they need to read it, they will not look into it.

When you promote your content, you must offer short information about it that will catch their attention and use hashtags. You should also check which social media your target audience uses the most and adjust accordingly.

Alternatively, you can start introducing yourself and your blog to the WordPress community. From there, you can try to gain a following by leaving meaningful comments about their posts. People tend to appreciate that and will follow you back.

People can’t find your content

Aside from the lack of promotion for your content, it is possible that people are ignoring your content because they don’t know about it.

The reason why they don’t know about it because your content is not optimized to allow search engines to register your content.

With this said, you can easily improve this by optimizing your site with keywords that apply to your content.

Pick the keywords that have high monthly search hits but do not have a lot of competition. Your content must also be readable to match your content.

Your Content is Too Lengthy or Too Boring or Both

Lots of people read on their commute to work or to school, and many will do that on their mobile phones. You definitely won’t catch me reading a 5000 words article on my iPhone!

Nowadays, nobody has the time to sit in a corner and read for hours.

It’s a pity, I know. Everything is so fast-paced. So your content has to match up.

Keep your website layout simple and clean to prevent loading problems. Your content needs to be captivating, interesting and easy to read.

Forget about writing a thesis. Break down the topic into parts if you really need to delve in that deep. Keep the content lively with examples or anecdotes.


Take some time to review your website and try to look at it from the perspective of your audience. With these points that I cited above and the tips on how you can improve it, I do hope that it can help you find the right balance on how you can design your content.

For more tips on how to improve on your content, check out these articles:
SEO Content Writing Tips that Every Writer Must Practice
Writing To Get The Point Across (Or In The Face)
7 Ways To Rekindle The Joy Of Writing

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Best things in life are meant to be shared, start spreading MiddleMe around, after all, sharing is caring.

25 Comments Add yours

  1. Ha ha! I needed this! I am flying by the seat of my pants!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Ravisingh says:

    Brilliant.Superb.I fully agree!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. sangita2020 says:

    Nice post. You have stated such relevant things.


    1. Kally says:

      Thank you so much. Have an amazing weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. sangita2020 says:

        You too have a wonderful weekend.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. equipsblog says:

    Kally, I know our blogs are a form of website. When I saw the title, website content, I was not thinking about a blogsite–I was thinking of a traditional webpage and not a blog site. The info about a blog is spot on, but because I misunderstood your title (my fauilt) I did not read the information I was expecting. 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Bryan Wagner says:

    Most excellent and timely.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Love this post! It is very informative and beneficial in helping new and veteran bloggers. I am going to share this with my granddaughter, she wants to start blogging. Your info will definitely help me alot also. Thanks for witing and sharing.


    1. Kally says:

      Thank you very much! Please let me know if your daughter need more help in blogging.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Great information. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ultra says:

    Hurry, lack of time makes people like to watch, not read. If they read, then short texts.


  9. Kally, not my “bailiwick”;BUT GREAT advice for those it applies too.

    Great information, thanks

    God Bless,


  10. Great tips.

    I used to just write number of blog posts but fail to gain traffic.

    I started doing focus topic based posts and got good results in my blogs.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. iamvhardik says:

    This provides a wonderful insight on how to keep the blog functioning.

    Also helps me understand blogging is just not about putting up posts but also about publishing content that holds true to your blog

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Is there also too short for content? I ran across a blog advising to aim for 3, 000 words in posts to get better Google search rankings, but I’m wondering if I’ve been following the wrong advice.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      I think the content is much more important than number of words itself. 3000 words without real content is boring and a lot of fluff. In my opinion, 1000 words is just nice. Especially a lot of people read on their mobile everyday. Too much words can get tiresome to finish through. Unless of course, the content is good and useful.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Excellent tips. Should do as mentioned above because content is king. Keep that in mind. Thanks for the share!

    ClickFunnels Certified Partner

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you and welcome to MiddleMe.


  14. bernard25 says:

    Bonjour mon Ami Amie

    Je te souhaite une belle semaine et une belle journée pleine d’espoir ?
    de joie , de bonheur
    Ne te laisse pas aller au découragement, vu cette mauvaise actualité à la télévision journaux média
    Qui nous saoule de jours en jours

    il y a toujours quelque chose de meilleur , une petite lumière qui brille au fond
    de ton cœur, pour te réchauffer
    Reste à l’écoute des petits bonheurs
    qui te sont présent tous les jours autour de toi
    Avec de la joie dans tes yeux , de l’amour dans le cœur
    Ta vie te sera plus belle, pleine d’espoir
    Merci de tes passages sur mon univers tout au long des saisons

    Je laisse sur cette page un peu de moi , de ce petit écris
    Qui me sorte du coeur

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Kally says:

      This is beautiful.

      Liked by 1 person

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