How HR Analytics Helps Making Decisions in Hiring You

Every business uses data to determine how they can fully optimise every aspect of the company. Whether it is for recruitment or making critical decisions, data is being used. For human resources, the data isn’t just focused on the available talent pool the business can use to improve it; it also covers data regarding potential…

How to Normalise The Conversation About Mental Health at Work

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about mental health in the workplace and why a business needs to pay attention to the discussions. However, for many workplaces, mental health is still a taboo subject because some topics included in the discussions, such as anxiety, trauma, and burnout, are sensitive topics not…

5 Ways to Use AI to Find Your Next Talent

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a crucial part of business work since it was introduced through new technological advancements. For job seekers, AI helps them find jobs faster and even assists in improving their applications. Meanwhile, AI has made it easier for businesses to find the best talent and ensure they are ready for the…

Spot the Signs of Bullying in Your Office!

There has been a growing movement to fight against the workplace in every industry in recent years. The presence of workplace bullying has shown companies and businesses how it affects productivity levels and makes the work environment toxic for everyone. However, it is challenging to spot bullying because those who commit it will make sure…

What is Corporate Hazing?

Are you a new employee? You may be curious about the possibility of facing corporate hazing. There have been growing reports of hazing incidents in various workplaces. These cases have led to employees quitting their jobs early and employees suffering from mental health issues even if they came clear of these problems when they started….

What is the Difference between Bullying and Hazing?

As an effort to make workplaces safer for everyone, a discussion about workplace bullying and hazing and how to combat it. However, there is confusion regarding their differences, which disables many from determining the right actions to battle against it. There is also the fact that those subjected to it do not speak out because…

Is There Really A Best Time to Schedule an Interview

When you get an interview invitation, you may ask yourself if you should schedule it immediately or later. While it is not guaranteed that you will always get the final say when your interview will be, it is best to plan accordingly if you are given the chance to pick the date. Ideally, you would…