Does It Have A Bad Impact On My Resume If I Quit My First Job After 3 Months?

In the current job market, it is usual for professionals to hop from one company to another to achieve their career objectives. The length of stay in a company can vary significantly, with most individuals staying for a year or two. However, it is not uncommon for first-time employees to stick around for only three…

How to Profit Off Your Retirement

Are you heading off to retirement or considering taking a break from your career? If so, you may be wondering how you can stay occupied and profit from your retirement. Some people do not want to retire because they love their job and want to stay active, even part-time. Others don’t like the idea of…

Should You be Honest in Your Interviews

Job interviews are among the most stressful experiences a person can have. Whether it is your first time or a repeat, you must be careful with how you speak, look, and act throughout the interview. Speaking, in particular, can be tricky for some people because they may think it best to lie rather than tell…

Can You Survive Juggling University with Freelance Work

Whether you are a part-time employee or freelancer, there are several benefits to returning to university and juggling it with work. Not only can you hone your skills, but it will also provide you with income and work experience. Some people even do both, juggling their school work with work and personal life. However, juggling…