Should A Boss Be Feared or Liked?

When you ask employees about their ideal boss, you would mostly get people saying that they like to have a boss who is easy to get along with and capable of helping people develop to their fullest potential. However, some say they prefer having scary and strict bosses because of their capacity to instil focus and get results.

While each one of us cannot control which type of boss we experience, the question remains: should a boss be feared or liked? Here’s our take on its benefits and disadvantages so you can decide for yourself which one is best if you have the opportunity to be a boss yourself or you find yourself facing this type of boss:

Scary Boss

Many people tend to avoid scary bosses because of their authoritarian tendencies and unexplainable behaviour. They tend to micromanage assignments, constantly monitor everyone’s actions, and get angry when their team members fail to succeed. Those who truly live up to their scary persona would even discriminate against or backstab employees to incite certain employees’ reactions.

Because of their type of ruling, employees work in a stressful environment filled with fear and paranoia. Employees are also fearful of making mistakes, or they would have to face the boss’ wrath. Those not used to this type of pressure may fear going to work to face these bosses.

However, scary bosses may have motives when it comes to their management style. Fearsome bosses believe that they can get results from their employees, and it also helps them identify the weaknesses of each employee and find a way to improve them.

Liked Boss

Meanwhile, people prefer likeable bosses for many reasons. These types of leaders can call for respect and adapt to the different characters in the team. They know how to motivate each member and promote cooperation and equality by building a strong and positive work culture. They even push for workplace benefits such as flexible work times, new computer sets and others to boost productivity and work-life balance.

Liked bosses also serve as role models for their team, giving them direction on how to go about their tasks, giving them the proper credit for their work and inspiring loyalty. Employees are trusted with their tasks, which causes them to do their best and complete their tasks zealously.

However, there are setbacks with bosses because if they are too kind to their team, they may abuse their kindness and only provide subpar work.

This can be mitigated with different management techniques. 

Kally says

I don’t like being a leader that my fellow colleagues fear. I prefer to inspire and motivate others through actions and words. I try to practise what I preach. I often put myself in someone’s shoes. I enjoy guiding others and helping those who are struggling. This is the type of boss I want to follow and be.

What kind of boss would you like to be? Share your thoughts with me.

For more bossy articles, check these out:
Giving Constructive Criticism to Your Boss: Do It Right
How to Stop the Boss from Sabotaging You
Is Your Boss Difficult to Please

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3 Comments Add yours

  1. I have been given supervisory positions, on two occasions this year, and have found it best to give minimal instructions to my staffs, recognizing that most are responsible, grounded adults who know how to do their jobs. who don’t fall into that category get extra instruction, within the bounds of their dignity.


  2. Respect trumps fear. Staff will support a leader they respect, and people with the skills to move on are more likely to stick around. Feared leaders are simply tolerated for as long as there’s sufficient reward. And the staff who stick around aren’t likely to do anything extra for them.


  3. C.A. Post says:

    The greatest leader the world ever saw said, “Whoever would be great among you must be your servant.” Jesus, Matthew 20:26


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