Happy Father’s Day

You are my wallThe strength behind me that powers me onThe net that catches me if I fallThe guy who told me don’t give upWipe my tears and chin upNothing ain’t going to be so badBecause nothing ain’t worth being that sadAnd you will always be my wallAnd never let me fall This is a…

June is My Tribute to Great Fathers and Awesome Husbands

Hello MMers! I hope life has been treating you kind. Life is now at a standstill for me because our Covid positive numbers are rising, and the Malaysian government decided to lockdown the entire country again. Even without the lockdown, looking at the daily numbers blasting over social media is depressing enough. During these weeks,…

Tips on How to Balance Business and Solo Parenting

Ask any entrepreneur if running their own business is challenging and you’re sure to receive a resounding yes. Add the responsibility of taking care of your children to the mix and it’d almost seem impossible.

Whisper: My Father Belittles My Job

I am a teacher. I love my job. I see myself passing on the knowledge to young children and knowing that I nurture our next generation makes me feel happy and purposeful. But my father hates my job. Please allow me to rant here because I have nowhere else to burst out.