Best Online Part-time Jobs You Can Get In 2024

Are you a recent graduate waiting to land your first job? Are you looking for extra income in addition to your current salary? Whatever your situation, getting a part-time job may be the way to go. Fortunately, many online jobs are available that you can do part-time and help you earn profit. But which ones…

What is PPC Marketing and Does it Work?

In digital marketing, you will hear the acronym PPC or Pay-Per-Click advertising when creating a working search engine optimization (SEO) strategy for clients. But what exactly is this type of advertising or marketing strategy? Is it worth investing in? In this article, we will give you a quick rundown of what PPC marketing is and…

What is Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)?

Do you own a website or a company social media page but can’t get the correct conversions for your brand, products and services? If this is your situation, the best thing to do is analyse how your visitors and customers browse your site and what they are looking for or your website’s conversion rate. But…

What are The Must Have Elements of an Exceptional Blog Post?

Blogs are the most popular way for small to big businesses to market their products, services and branding. No matter your industry, you can use a blog entry to emphasise what you offer and showcase your expertise. However, some people find it tricky to work with blogs because they believe they can’t write an exceptional…

6 Steps to Promote a Blog Using Pinterest

Are you a blog owner currently looking for ways to promote your blog? Many social media sites can help you expand your audience and make your blog known worldwide. Pinterest is one of these social media sites that allow people to create and share boards featuring pins of images, videos or text focusing on the…

6 Ways to Use Instagram to Promote Your Blog

Are you a blogger and looking for a way to promote your content? You should consider using Instagram to promote your blog if that is a yes. Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms worldwide, enabling users to share visual content. No matter what kind of niche you have, you will find…

7 Important Things to Consider When Designing Your Blog

Are you planning to start a blog for your business or your brand? Starting a blog is not as easy as it looks because your blog’s design must stand out from your competition. When people see your blog, they must immediately think you are a brand they can trust, and you are offering something new….