How to Win Clients Without Hard Selling Yourself

Whether this is your first foray into freelancing or you are already in the industry and looking for clients, selling yourself to clients is daunting. The competition is fierce for each job opening you may see, and you may end up not getting clients at all, no matter how hard you market yourself. Fortunately, there…

10 Things You Can Easily Make and Sell for Extra Cash

Nowadays, it is not uncommon to hear about office workers who quit their 9-to-5 jobs for a home business selling products they made that are more successful than they initially thought. If your work is getting to you, it is not hard to dream about doing the same thing while ensuring you can still live…

10 Social Selling Tactics for Business

Since its inception and growth, social media has become a popular tool for businesses to spread information about their company and offerings. However, social media isn’t just for information sharing these days because it can also be used for social selling. For those unfamiliar with the term, social selling enables companies to use various social…

3 Tips For Warming Up Old Business Leads

If you work for a business that operates by getting leads, you know how important it is to nurture those leads in the hopes that they will eventually turn into sales or clients. However, it’s very common for leads not to lead anywhere. But just because things aren’t panning out with a specific lead right…

5 Ways to Make Quick Money during Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has made many of us worry about our future, especially in our finances, as many businesses and companies had to shut down temporarily or permanently. With this said, getting a stable source of income is trickier than ever before. If you are looking for some ideas on how to make quick bucks…

10 Jobs for Retirees Working from Home

When you reach your retirement age, you may find it easy to get bored because you don’t have anything to preoccupy yourself with. Whether you choose to stay in your current home or find senior living in Utah or somewhere else, you will still need a hobby or something to help you to pass the time. Some…

Get Started With The Online Business

The internet has revolutionised the way business is conducted. No more do you need a physical premises of sorts, today you can operate a business from your lap if needed with simplistic ease. You don’t even need to move from bed. Some businesses have made millions this way. Look at Amazon, they only exist in…