Guest Post: Back To Barista

A keen eye and nose to sniff out a good article. I found #UptightPrettyGirl’s post and found her perspective on her barista job very astute and love that she was brutally honest about her feelings. Too many of us just grit our teeth and work at the job we hate. If you love her writings, check out here for more! She’s amazing. 

When I first moved to New Hampshire, I got a grownup job I thought my family and friends would be proud of. It turns out it was one of the worst jobs I have ever had. I ended up stressed continuously about going to work and dealing with the owner, and I was always in a state of anxiety. I was never happy.

I initially took the job because the manager at the time was a fantastic leader. She was incredible, I talked to her for an hour, and I knew I wanted to learn how to be a good leader from her. I should have looked more closely at the company; the owner was a nutcase. It was her first business, and she was so rude to everyone that all her employees ended up leaving. After few days, I noticed four people had quit, and then the manager who hired me, said she was also going. The person who had stayed the longest was only there for a total of five months.

I tried so hard to stick it out, and I wanted everyone to be proud of me for jumping into my new life so quickly. Every day I went to work, untrained, unprepared, and scared of the owner. Every day I had to deal with more passive aggressive BS that was thrown my way. Finally, one day the owner broke me. I excused myself to the bathroom and cried. I sat on the toilet and just cried for three minutes. Wiped up my tears continued with the rest of the day. I carpooled with my mom home, and she knew there was something wrong, I was wound up and on the verge of tears again. My mom and I talked the whole car ride home, and she told me to quit.

I never once said I loved this new job, I was never thrilled, and I never wanted to be there. I have never had a situation like that. I’m sure it won’t be the last one I hate, but I hope it’s the last one with a horrible owner.

I ended up applying to a new store, closer to home, and back to doing what I love. I am going to be a barista. It isn’t as “grownup” as the last job I had but I’ve decided I don’t need a grownup job right now, and I shouldn’t be concerned about making other people proud. I should focus on being happy, and be myself. That’s why I moved here.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. fatamsimth says:

    There’s never a good reason to continue working for an abusive boss. You’ll die while alive.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Very true. Otherwise, your soul will disintegrate…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I think that would be a fun job myself. The day flies along as you’re busy. I worked at Sears and when it was hopping, the day was gone before I knew it for me to go home.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      I know what you mean. I love it when I did retail as well. When it’s massive sales time, the crowd just pump my adrenaline up, up, up!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes that is great bonus.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. msw blog says:

    I hear stories like this often and in this case I ask “What is a grown up job?” You and your readers may enjoy these links on the topic

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts and articles!


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