What Do Customers Expect From Your Business?

Whatever you do in business, satisfying the needs of your customers should be the top priority at all times. This can feel like a daunting prospect because many entrepreneurs don’t actually know what the customers want.

We’ll take quality products as red, but customers deserve so much more. Unfortunately, if you aren’t providing those features, your sales figures will inevitably suffer. Not only will you see fewer conversions, but you’ll see reduced retention rates too.

Here are the top expectations of the modern consumer. Attend to these needs, and you should see far greater reactions.

Friendly Service

Consumers want to be thought of as more than a customer. Not every client will be interested in getting to know the people behind a business. However, pretty much all of them expect a pleasant service.


A service with a smile will work wonders for your business. So you must ensure that your staff follows those processes too. Training in this field will help. But the best thing you can do is encouraging a better atmosphere throughout the working environment.

Providing a friendly service will help your customers make links between your business and positivity. This can only be good news for the company.

Easy Transactions

Customers deserve to be treated in a friendly manner at all times. But that doesn’t mean they want to spend more time interacting with your business than necessary. If they can complete their transactions and get back to their days in a comfortable manner, then that’s great.

If you operate a brick-and-mortar store, investing in quality POS software and terminals is vital, as this will allow you to simplify the sales process for both staff and customer, manage customer accounts, create insights based on sales, and market to existing customers based on their previous purchases. Your store should also accept as many payment types as possible. 

Online sales should use high risk merchant account services to ensure that customers are protected. After all, trust is a major feature for any business. Without it, you’ll never reach your targets.

Quick Problem Solving

Your commitment to the customer shouldn’t end with the sale. The first transaction is simply the start of what will hopefully become a long and successful business relationship. Therefore, it’s vital that you provide the customer care services that they deserve.

Human interaction isn’t the only way to help customers solve those problems. Live web chat and social media facilities are a fantastic way to troubleshoot problems. Meanwhile, virtual receptionists can allow you to provide a winner telephone service at all times. Clients will excuse errors as long as you’re committed to rectifying them ASAP.

By Evan Bench from paris, france – Reception, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6002535

To Be Excited

Ultimately, consumers still act on emotions. If your business can get them feeling excited and enthused, you will not go far wrong.

First impressions count for everything, which is why you need to pay attention to your branding. Likewise, quality packaging is a small gesture that goes a long way to making them gain confidence in your company.

Of course, you can use reward schemes and competitions to further promote those feelings of excitement. As long as the buzz around your business is supported by a winning service, your customers will have no complaints. Success is assured.

*this post has affiliated links.


24 Comments Add yours

  1. Thank for this article !

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Kally says:

      You’re most welcome!


  2. This post reminds me of a quote I read in a tattoo maker’s studio : Treat your customers like they own you because they do. 😀

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Kally says:

      That is a great quote that I wouldn’t expect to read at the tattoo maker’s studio! Haha! Have a great weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Bea dM says:

    All good points, and you’ve kept it simple and complete!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you, Bea!! Sorry that I have been late catching up my comments! Been puking my guts out.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Bea dM says:

        Get well quick!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Kally says:

          Thanks a lot, Bea! You take care too 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  4. jbcowgill says:

    Reblogged this on John Cowgill's Literature Site and commented:
    By the great Kalli.


  5. It is good to see people take the time to spell out the problem or issue, followed by providing valuable direction as to how to dela with it. Thank You


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