Should you moonlight?

For folks who doesn’t know the meaning of moonlighting, it means getting yourself work outside of your full-time job without the approval from your company. It’s like working as a part timer on the weekends. A lot of companies I am aware of does not allow that and serious actions can be taken against anyone who does so.

However, with economy worsen as these months goes by, one may be tempted to take on a side job just to make extra cash. Before you jump quickly into any opportunity to earn extra moolah, I have list down the factors will help you to reach a decision.

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1. What is the extra cash for?

Understanding where the extra cash goes to will help you to plan your finances more effectively. Is the extra cash going to a further education fund? Or a travel treat? Or to pay off your house loan quicker? Sorting this out will also make sure that the extra cash does go anywhere else and defeat the purpose of having a part time job in the first place.

2. Will it affect your main job concentration?

Always remember that the full-time job remains your priority on top of the part time job. If it does affect your main job, consider quitting the second job or switch to a part-time job with lesser hours or requires lesser attention. You don’t want to end up burning both ends and with zero jobs.


3. Will it affect your rest?

Money is important but it is not as important as health. Working through a 12 hours shift job and take on another 5 hours moonlighting is health suicide in the long run. You need to make sure you have ample rest and enough time to socialize with your loved ones. When your health deteriorates, no amount of money can buy back your health or the precious memories with your family.

4. Does it contribute to your growth?

Don’t just accept any mind numbing part time work. Try searching for jobs that will help you grow and learn new things. A full-time clerk? Why not try being a sales person? A trainer? Why not try your hands at bookkeeping?

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5. Does it conflict the interest of your current job?

The key reason that your company does not want you to take up moonlighting is due to conflict of interest. So stay far away from the industry your main job is at. If you work in a fashion industry, try a part time job in entertainment or technology or construction. This will assure your company that there is no or impossibly little conflict of interest.

6. Does it make sense?

Besides answering the above questions, you need to ask whether a part-time job makes sense to you. If it is not about making extra money but to occupy your time, there are plenty of ways to do that like volunteering or studying an online course or join a networking group. If at the end of the day, you spend more than half of your extra cash, commuting from your day job to your second job, you really need to reconsider.

If all above makes sense for you to pick up a part-time work, make sure you clear it up with your manager and your HR before you proceed.

Have I covered all areas? Come and share your thoughts at the comments below.

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13 Comments Add yours

  1. Patty says:

    Maybe you can review your contract. Most companies have a clause included regarding this subject. It can be handy, if you’re just looking for a second job and you don’t want to tell your manager/HR yet 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Great add on, Patty!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thirtysomethingbelle says:

    This is really helpful. I’m currently looking for more freelance writing work alongside my full time accounts role so this has given me some good points to think about. Lisa x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Glad I can help, Lisa!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hammad Rais says:

    Some real nice points raised here. Doing part-time is good I say, if we have time and we really do need extra cash for something that affects not only us but also our family.

    This also goes with our health. If I’m working 8+ hours a day on weekdays, then my body really needs a timeout. My mind may not understand this but my body is in desperate need of a work-free weekend.

    This is what I follow!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Rest is upmost importance when comes to not only physical health but mental health too!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. 76sanfermo says:

    I’m learning so much from your posts…..
    Must thank you ,once again!


  5. ianWaters2 says:

    Good list to review and helpful comments as well. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you, Ian


  6. Bea dM says:

    Only if you really need the money. But if you’re a freelancer, you can’t always afford to turn down possible new contacts, remember that saying yes may mean expanding your safety net of clients for the future.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      That’s very true. However, we need to be able to juggle the workload effectively otherwise it will turn around and bite us back if we take on too much workload and unable to fulfill them.

      Liked by 1 person


    I think moonlight is healthy, because us work with the one spent a lot on paid hours developing ideas, that pretty popular now.

    Liked by 1 person

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