Guest Post: How to Balance Working Full Time and College

There is no denying a good post when I read one. As always, I love to share guest posts that I think provides a certain angle that inspire me, and hopefully you’ll feel the same way too. I love sharing these treasures because there are so many talented writers in the world. Even with one…

Is Our Education Relevant to Current Workforce Demands?

When one talks about the importance of higher or tertiary education, opinions about its structure are often raised. Some say that our education is too focused on “academics” rather than focusing on other subjects like visual arts and liberal arts. A few would say the offerings in tertiary education across the globe are balanced. While…

5 Helpful Pieces of Career Advice for College Students

Graduating college is a time of great joy and pride for students and their parents. But it’s also a time for asking “Now what?” as donning that cap and gown marks a transition for many from school life to the workforce. Graduates quickly find that working life is a different animal entirely – but that…

Guest Post: “Are You The Professor?”

I love exploring new blogs especially when the reader is a newly subscriber of MiddleMe. I stumbled upon Mark’s website and found myself reading post after post. His stories are genuine and real, something I can truly relate with. Here is one of his post and I hope that you enjoyed it as much as…