What is Habit Stacking and How to Do It Right

When it comes to improving one’s work performance and strengthening one’s skills, changing one’s behaviour is the key to achieving it.

However, changing one’s behaviour is tricky because of how ingrained they are in one’s brain, and it will take a while for behaviours to change. There have been many suggestions for how to bypass this problem, and one of these suggestions is habit stacking. What exactly is habit stacking, and is it easy to do?

What Is Habit Stacking?

Habit stacking pertains to clustering habits that you wish to develop to increase your chances of remembering them with the help of related tasks. It also allows you to organize your habits and assign them to a specific time or activity.

How To Do Habit Stacking?

With practice, you can see results when you practice the habit of regularly stacking for a long time. But how can you get started? Here are some tips you can try out:

1. Know Which Habits You Already Practice

For habit stacking to succeed, you need to have an existing pattern that you can stack on. Know what habits you already practice related to the habit you want to learn. Once familiar with these habits, it will be easier to integrate a new routine without affecting your existing ones.

2. Know Which Habits You Should Work On

Aside from knowing what habits are already in place to help you stack new habits, you need to know what kind of habits you want to build. Take some time to list all your targets and identify the patterns that can help you achieve them. When you have the list down, you should simplify your goals and adjust the habits to suit you and your goals.

3. Don’t Try To Do Everything In One Go

When habit stacking, you shouldn’t focus simply on a one-time frame or activity and habit stack every hour of the day. It would be best if you also tried to do things at your own pace and focus on other areas of your day that may require your attention.

4. Always Start Small

If you want to introduce a new habit or behaviour in your routine, don’t immediately go for the final level of the habit. For example, if you want to add meditation to your schedule, don’t immediately go for an extended meditation retreat. Give your brain some time to process your new behaviour, let it get used to it and slowly adjust it to achieve your target. Set daily goals like meditating for 10 mins, then increasing to 30 mins, then 1 hour and so forth.


Changing one’s habits and behaviour is never easy for anyone. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to change it for the better if you want to improve your way of life and overall health. Take your time incorporating new habits with your existing ones and let yourself get used to them before adjusting them. With habit stacking, you can master this effectively, and it helps you learn new things in the process. Good luck!

I love how you are trying to improve yourself. Here are some more help:
Is a Negative Mindset Affecting Your Work Performance
10 Ways to Improve Your Workplace Relationships
Self Improvement Hacks

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9 Comments Add yours

  1. I have been slowly habit stacking but it’s so beneficial – little bit by little bit, getting there, great post


  2. vermavkv says:

    Yes, It is so beneficial.


  3. Keith says:

    Good piece.


  4. C.A. Post says:

    One of the best texts I have read on this is “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life” by Dr. Daniel Amen.
    Then James Clear says (clearly, I should point out 😅) “You don’t break a bad habit; you replace it with a good one.”
    I have one very good habit: I read MM regularly! 🤠
    ❤️&🙏, c.a.


  5. newwhitebear says:

    it is true. When you crystallize on certain work habits, it is difficult to make a change of pace even if we work hard.
    Great post where you describe in summary but effectively how to improve and be able to change habits.


  6. great tactics and they work.. nice Kally!💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you so much!


  7. A clever suggestion.💦


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