7 Ways to Generate More Sales Leads for Your Business

For a business to grow and succeed, it needs to ensure that its customer base continues to grow and support it. There are many ways to increase a business’s customer base, including sales lead generation. Sales leads are people or businesses who can make your goods and services available. A person or company becomes a…

How to Win Clients Without Hard Selling Yourself

Whether this is your first foray into freelancing or you are already in the industry and looking for clients, selling yourself to clients is daunting. The competition is fierce for each job opening you may see, and you may end up not getting clients at all, no matter how hard you market yourself. Fortunately, there…

The Importance of Soft Skills in the Job Market

Every business, regardless of its industry, is constantly evolving every single day as new technologies and work processes are introduced to make operations more efficient. Because of these changes, employers changed their focus on how they screen applicants and what skills they look into. Most often focus on applicants with hard skills or technical backgrounds…

5 Tips on Using Social Media for Your Job Search

If you are looking for a job, job search sites are no longer the only place where you can find job listings you can consider. Social media is now becoming another method to help people find the job they are looking for. One can type the job opening they want to apply for in the…

How to Block Someone On LinkedIn Without Them Knowing

Whether you are a job seeker or someone who wishes to build a professional network, LinkedIn is the social media platform to sign up for. Nowadays, it is rare to find anyone currently employed without a LinkedIn account. But, like other social media sites, you may see people in your friends’ list who spam your…

15 Chinese New Year’s Resolutions to Inspire You at Work

Chinese New Year is here, and it’s time to consider new resolutions that will help improve your life for the coming year. Unfortunately, many of us do not keep up with our resolutions and resume our old habits. This can be very dangerous for work in particular, especially if you are aiming to get a…

Can Office Colleagues be Good Friends?

Many working adults spend a lot of time in the workplace rather than at home. Some spend 5 days for 8 hours or more at work and only a handful of hours at home to rest or bond with family and friends. Others have work even on the weekends, reducing their time to make friends…