4 Career Options for Kind People

It seems like every industry is cutthroat and all about making money. Thankfully, not all industries are like that. If you’re a kind person who wants to help others, there are plenty of great career options for you. Here are 4 options that require compassion as well as skill. Physical Therapist The job of a…

10 Tips to Balance Your Career and Motherhood

Have you recently given birth and hoping to find ways to make your return to your career? If your answer is yes, you may feel conflicted with the roles you now carry because you now have to juggle motherhood and your career. On the one hand, going back to your job can bring in the…

8 Job Benefits Parents Should Ask From Employers

Giving birth recently got me thinking about this topic. As a working parent, it is no longer enough to have a paying salary, especially now that times are uncertain. The onset of the pandemic has made many realise that they should get benefits to protect their family’s well-being, and companies should deliver these benefits as…

October is the Month of Girl Power!

Hello MMers! Autumn is a beautiful season with golden brown leaves falling all over the ground. Nice cooling weather leaves the last glimmer of summer behind with excitement bubbling over the much-anticipated winter and hopefully snow. But that’s all in my mind because the closest I have experienced autumn is in Shanghai, and that to…

4 Tips For Finding a Work-Life Balance

More and more parents are struggling to find a balance between family and work life. It can be a slippery slope depending on what your profession is. However, having a family means that you need to be able to nurture your relationships with your kids and your partner. The great news is that you can…

Guest Post “What is your occupation?”

Forgive me – this is yet another guest post rolling for the 3rd week but these posts that I came across are just too good not to share. Like Issy Martin’s piece resounding with me so much, I can see myself in it. Our roles are very much similar except that she is a solution…

10 Jobs Perfect for You if You Love Working with Children

Do you love playing with children and helping them learn? If the answer is yes, then perhaps you should be looking for a career in childcare! It can be a challenge working with kids since they have different personalities, but it is also a great way to make a difference in a child’s life. If you…