13 Questions to Ask An Underperforming Employee during a One-on-One Meeting

Is your company holding its annual or quarterly employee review? Employee reviews are not easy to do because you will need to be the person to speak to each employee about their job performance. At the same time, there will be reviews that will be fun, such as those which employees who have done well;…

How to Speak Up At A Meeting

Whether you are a new employee or a long-time one, speaking up during a meeting is never easy. It can be hard to pick the right cues to tell you when to start speaking and what tone to use as you call the other’s attention. If you are very shy or nervous to speak out,…

3 Common Attitude Interview Questions with Sample Answers

As part of every interview, there will always be a set of questions to assess the interviewee’s attitudes. No matter what industry you are in, the questions will be similar, and if you do your research in advance, you can prepare your answers beforehand and stand out during the interview. Below are 3 common attitude…

Guest Post: The Foundations Of A Successful Career

When I come across a great article that gives awesome career advices like mine, I get extremely excited that someone shares my passion and insights. Baller has generously agree for me to share this post out to everyone here and if you are inspired by his positivity, wait until you read all of his posts…

Inappropriate Interview Questions

Do you know that there are questions that you shouldn’t ask or be asked during a job interview? Guess what? Some countries even made these questions illegal! Yes, you can get yourself in hot waters if you are caught unaware. If you are a hiring manager or a recruiter, heads up on the following inappropriate…

How to Resolve a Customer Service PR disaster

25th February marks the day that a legendary American rock band, Guns N’ Roses, for the very first time, held their concert in Singapore. While their performance was fantastic, the logistics and management by the concert organiser LAMC left a lot to be desired. Many fans were (and probably still are from the looks of…