Spot the Signs of Bullying in Your Office!

There has been a growing movement to fight against the workplace in every industry in recent years. The presence of workplace bullying has shown companies and businesses how it affects productivity levels and makes the work environment toxic for everyone. However, it is challenging to spot bullying because those who commit it will make sure…

What is Corporate Hazing?

Are you a new employee? You may be curious about the possibility of facing corporate hazing. There have been growing reports of hazing incidents in various workplaces. These cases have led to employees quitting their jobs early and employees suffering from mental health issues even if they came clear of these problems when they started….

What is the Difference between Bullying and Hazing?

As an effort to make workplaces safer for everyone, a discussion about workplace bullying and hazing and how to combat it. However, there is confusion regarding their differences, which disables many from determining the right actions to battle against it. There is also the fact that those subjected to it do not speak out because…