5 Signs You Definitely Aren’t Cut Out for a Desk Job

When we were young, our parents will definitely nag at us to study hard so we can land a good office job. An office job will be stable and provide a lot of benefits. While it is understandable that our parents do not want us to end up being a farmer or a construction worker…

Are You Getting Too Attached To Your Company?

The thought of you ever leaving your company sends shudders through your spine. You rather spend your time at work than at home with your cats. As much as I applaud the fact that you love your job and your company, it is not healthy to have a fixation on your workplace. I know because…

How to Find A Conducive Working Environment Outside of Your Office

While I only work within the confine of my study, I love to write my own articles on the WordPress app when I am outside. Sometimes even bringing my baby in her stroller while I typed words away on my iPhone and sipping my Green Tea (like what I am doing right now).

Transiting from a Single Freelancer to a Mommy Freelancer

I was an executive, a manager, with more than 50 staff under my command. Then… I left that to become a freelancer. And I am a top rated freelancer, specialising in writing, career consultation and recruitment. Then… I upgrade to become a WFHM (work from home mom). As with any other transition, there are challenges…