How To Support Your Other Half Doing Freelancing Work

Whether it is by choice or circumstances that your partner picks up freelancing as a form of occupation, it is not necessary a bad thing.

It can be a temporary pit stop in between jobs or a break with substantial income. It can also be a fulfilling full-time work where he eventually makes his name reputable in the freelancing world. However, as a fellow freelancer, I can tell you it is an uphill path to be a successful freelancer. Heck, to even earn a decent living incoming every week is so hard. For every 10 freelancers I know, 9 of them gave up and didn’t think that it is a lucrative career. It can be but it will take a lot of determination. commitment and luck.

Meanwhile, it is up to you, as the significant half to support his decision and share his anguish.


Don’t Compare Salary

You can start by not comparing how much you earn and how much he brings to the table. Don’t even bring up how much he used to earn at his last job. If he is just getting his feet wet at freelancing, he probably won’t see a dime for weeks to come. It is normal and natural as he needs time to build up his profile and reputation as well as to find his clients. If he is good enough, he will earn a decent salary even surpass his previous income but like all good soups, it takes time.

Understand and Appreciate

As a spouse, it can be frustrating and perhaps anxious if your financial situation is unstable. Try to give him time and space. He might not be working at a regular job but freelancing has its ups and down. Listening helps a lot even though you might not understand. Be a positive influence on him and encourage him to pursue from different angles. I had a hard time finding clients with one of the freelancing platforms when I first started out, and my husband suggested a list of freelancing websites for me to try.

Tough Times Ahead

I didn’t give up when I hit some rough patches because I know my the other half is there to support me whenever I need a listening ear. He was there to celebrate with me when I got my first client. He was there, hearing my frustrations when I had difficult demanding clients. He was there ready with the champagne when I hit my first 5 digit earnings. He was there holding me while I sob my heart out when one of my clients refused to pay me despite the work I have done.


Remove Distractions

Have a baby at home? Piling laundry? Screaming active kids? Offer to take the children out for a stroll while he works on his projects. Allow him peace and quiet while he manages his time around his work. Offer to help out his share of the housework. Encourage the family to support him as well, get them to understand the nature of his work.

Allow Him To Be Flexible

Whether it is his time or his attention, being a freelancer means he is flexible. He might not be able to work on his projects while you are at work or his assignments require him to work a few hours into the weekend. Especially when he is starting out, he will need to find a balance between work and family / personal time. Help him to strike that balance.

No Guilt Trips

Never guilt someone or use emotional blackmail on him. He probably is already berating himself for not spending enough quality time with you, you don’t have to add salt to the wound. When I was starting out as a freelancing, I did feel guilty for not paying my due shares in the family expenses or contribute more time towards my family but once, my freelancing career takes off, I begin to focus more on spending quality time with them.

Eventually, freelancing can lead to something else. He might have an upsurge demand for his skills (yup, he is that good!) that he needs to set up his own business. Or freelancing can cultivate a new zest for learning and add on exposure and experiences to his resume. It is a good thing and your loved one can only benefit and grow stronger with your support and care.

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17 Comments Add yours

  1. Hi Kally! Thank you for sharing this wisdom. I have a concern about a major assumption you appear to make in this article. Leaving aside the fact that you, I know, are a freelancing female, it appears in this article that you assume, or you expect your readers to assume, that all freelancers are male. And I wonder what point you’re trying to make by assuming that all freelancers are male? Or are you just sticking with a consistently gendered pronoun and assuming your readers will read it as the sex/gender of the significant other in their (his or her) life who is a freelancer?

    Take care, be well, and happy freelancing,


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Hi Denny! I used ‘he’ to represent he & she. It’s easier to read rather than using ‘he/she’ and ‘his/her’ at every sentence. I don’t know if there are more male than female freelancers so far I have worked with plenty with both sexes. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That makes sense. I was just curious. When I was in college, I remember it was considered bad writing to use “they” or “he/she” or “his/hers”, and we were told to pick either the male or the female and stick with it for a single piece. I wondered whether that norm was changing.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Kally says:

          Well, I wonder about that myself too. “They” isn’t bad but even for me, I find it kinda irritating to read an article with too many “he/she”. But that’s just me!

          You have an amazing weekend! Big hugs!

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Genevieve says:

    I feel like these are good things to practice no matter what career your significant other embarks upon.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Kally says:

      Totally agree!! I hope that more husbands support their wives in their careers.


  3. I really liked your blog. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you for the support, Kuldeep. 🙂 Have a great weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. markmkane says:

    Great post. Although I don’t freelance full-time, I do know how supportive my wife is about my second career as a screenwriter. No matter what she is truly understanding of my passion for writing and encourages me whenever I have close calls to optioning a script or self-doubts I may have.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      You are one lucky man! Kudos to your wife, tell her I said so. 🙂 I think it is important for a couple to support each other no matter what career decisions they made.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. msw blog says:

    Great post all solid points but the no guilt thing is probably one of the most important take away 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Patty says:

    Great tips. My hubby is working full-time at multi-national and even then you have to do these kind of things. Be flexible: management at high level means days aren’t 9 till 5. When the job demands it, holidays have to be rescheduled. Work at home; take a walk with the young energetic dog during a business call…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Oh dear, must be stressful for your hubby, Patty. Management at a high level means you have take calls in the middle of your dinner, fly whenever you are called to and even sacrifice sleep over a conference call. Those are the things I don’t miss in corporate life. You’ll do well being the supportive other half and you are not alone! I always joke that I have a 50% hubby because he flew too much.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Patty says:

        Fortunately, my hubby doesn’t have to fly that often anymore and now I can enjoy the time he does; eat what I want, sleep when I want, etc hihi

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Kally says:

          That’s good for you, Patty. I’m so used to midnight dinner (more like supper) because his flights are delayed or canceling engagements or appointments because he needs to fly urgently. I like to tease my hubby that he spent more time at the airports than at home!

          Liked by 1 person

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