10 Factors have Contributed to the Recent Growth of Freelancing

Freelancing has grown significantly since it first made headlines several years ago. Many people are drawn to the career, and companies are now accommodating these new workers to their operations. But what made it boom so fast compared to other business trends? What made it different? Here below are some of the factors that contributed…

How to Plan a Successful Workcation

When you ask freelancers why they picked their chosen career, many would say they prefer it over an office job because it allows them to work anywhere so long as there is wifi and a place to work. For savvy and dedicated freelancers, they would pack their laptops and travel the world at the same…

Should You Freelance During Unemployment?

Unemployment in all industries has increased significantly in recent years for a variety of reasons. The most notable being the COVID-19 pandemic, which not only disabled new college graduates from filling in new jobs due to government protocols but also caused many employed workers to reconsider their current employment arrangements and benefits.  For some of…

Freelancing vs. Entrepreneurship: What’s The Difference?

If you are working a 9-to-5 job, the thought of shifting to another career can pass your mind in critical instances when you feel the job is not working well for you. When it does feel like it isn’t working for you, there are several ways you can go about it: pick a new job…

How The Rise of the Gig Economy is Challenging HR

If you look at the job listings on many sites today, you will definitely notice a significant number of listings geared towards freelancers, part-timers and contractors. Many are now leaning towards gigs because it offers them flexibility on when they want to work and how they want to do it. Each year, the number of…

How Workplace Flexibility Improves Work-Life Balance

In recent years, calls for companies to allow employees to have a work-life balance have gained traction in every industry. The lack of a work-life balance has caused many to have less time to be with their loved ones, and others even face severe health problems due to the constant need to work even while…

What Motivates People to Work

When you ask a person about their work motivation, you will get various answers. Some would say they are motivated because of the financial benefits it will bring them, and others would say that they are after the personal change it can get to them in the long term. If you find yourself unmotivated and…