Do You Know Why Being a People-pleaser will Destroy Your Career

In a group, whether in your circle of friends or work, a person is often labelled a “people pleaser.” They are the ones who excessively serve others even if the other person doesn’t want them to do it. They also clam up during discussions or arguments because they don’t want others to get upset at…

How to Manage Pandemic Fatigue in Your Workplace

COVID-19 has changed the workplace in more ways than one. Some companies had to shut down because their operations require human interaction, while others had to shift to remote working to keep the business afloat. But, as the vaccines are being distributed and the health guidelines constantly change to allow the economy to reopen, workers…

How to Overcome Job Interview Anxiety

Scheduled for a job interview? It can be very stressful to be in one, especially if it is your first job. Don’t worry because everyone had this feeling at some point in their life. For others, they have to do it several times because of their career options. A few would find it more nerve-wracking…

Guest Post: Stand up to workplace bullies

I have featured her article in 2019 and many of you including myself enjoy reading her posts but importantly, her work highlight an important aspect that has been lacking spotlight: Workplace Abuse. This subject is close to my heart because I have witness bullying and I have encountered bullies. My own responses are always between…

Why Staying Curious at Work Can Lead to the Career of Your Dreams?

If you want to be successful in your career, curiosity is a skill that you must have. Being curious will allow you to learn more about your work and find out other interests you never knew you had. Considering this fact, how can curiosity help you get your dream career? Isn’t too much curiosity bad?…