Why Employers Should Help Laid-Off Workers Find New Jobs

As a boss, laying off workers can be a difficult choice to make. Some of your workers may have been working for you for a long time. Others may have the talent that the company or business sorely needs. However, if the business or company’s future is at stake, you will need to make a big decision to lay them off.

Employees will definitely have different reactions towards their contract’s termination. Some may accept it, especially if you explain why they were fired. Others may be resigned about it, while a few will be against it.

Some of those who will be against the termination will give the company bad reviews, especially if you plan to hire other people to the company.

There is a way to make your separation with your laid-off employees more accepting and that is helping them get a new job. But, why should you do it?

Shouldn’t it be the employees themselves who have to do that since they are no longer in your company? Why should you even care?

Here are the reasons why employers should help off their laid off workers find a new job:

It is better for everyone

When employees are laid off from their job, it can be very stressful for them to handle. They have bills to worry about and it can be difficult to find a new job that will match their skill set.

Employers will also have a hard time managing the lawsuits these laid-off workers will throw at them and the severance packages you have to sort out.

If employers assist these workers get a new job, it would help employees get back into their feet and give the employer a good review in the process. Employers will also benefit from having to pay fees caused by the severance pay.

It helps make the company’s image better

Companies with outplacement services helps employees realize that no matter what happens, their service is not forgotten.

They know that you will help them get back into their feet by helping them find the right job openings and even reach out to people who can help out.

This believe makes your company look good to employees who may end up working for you in the future.

It will help you rehire these workers back

If you open the doors for these employees to work for your contacts, there will be a chance these employees can come back to work for you.

If your situation goes better, you can reopen your doors to them and the company that took them can offer to outsource them back to you.

It will improve hiring

If you have an outplacement service for your employees, it will definitely appeal to new applicants. Since your old employees have good reviews for them to see, it will be easy for these new applicants to apply since they know they will be protected.

As a result, you will be able to fill up any missing positions in your roster and keep the company moving.

It is the most humane thing to do

Sure, you can just walk away from it all and not give a care as to whether your employees can put food on their table or pay their next rent. In the business world, it can be cold and heartless.

Don’t be that kind of business and don’t be that kind of employer.

Personally, I have bosses who have lined up jobs for those they need to let go because the business folded or the positions are no longer relevant to the company’s new directions.

I have so much respect for those bosses who go all their way out to make sure they don’t put employees like me out on the street suddenly without knowing if I can get myself hire the next day, or even the next month.

One of those incidents was when my boss decided to migrate and sold off his business to someone who just wanted to merge the company into his existing business. I was given a choice: to move together with the merge or take up my boss’s offer to join his friend’s start up company. I took up his offer and go with the latter, only to realise that he had paid one year worth of my salary to his friend so that he can create a position for me. I am extremely grateful and in return, I helped to expand his friend’s business exponentially over that one year before I landed a job I like.

Be that kind of boss.


When you fire or lay off someone from your business or company, that doesn’t mean they can’t hamper your business. If you removed them from their position without providing them assistance, they can dissuade other people from applying to your company.

By adding an outplacement service to help them find a new job, your former employees will be able to move on to their new job without holding a grudge.

One good turn deserves another – we all have to make an effort for the world to be a better place. Do you agree with me?

To be a better employer or a better leader, here are some articles you must read:
Heartless Business Owner: You’ll Cry If You Read This
3 Things All Great Leaders Have In Common
Business Bankruptcy and How To Know When It’s Right For Your Situation

Can’t get enough of MiddleMe? You can find me sharing my thoughts here as well: 
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14 Comments Add yours

  1. Hello, Kally! How are you doing today.?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Hello, William! Welcome to MiddleMe! Have an awesome weekend.


  2. Simon says:

    Well said Kally, This is a life that we created, a job is required to survive, but a job is not a life and it never going to be permanent. Everything that begun has an end, it applies to Job too. If a company hires , should be grateful for all the skills they are impressed with and if same company fired, should pat themselves and move on to keep growing. Let’s work for surviving, with a goal, and name it “Career”. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Kally says:

      I love your positivity, Simon. Your comment glows!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Bryan Wagner says:

    A much needed perspective. I think there is a bridge between bottom line thinking and our need to remain caring and express our humanity.
    Thank you

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you, Bryan for your comment. It is true that many of the businesses can take on a much needed humane way to handle things, most importantly, their assets – employees.


  4. I wish all companies followed this advice. I know some people who’ve had really bad lay-off experiences and you’re right, it doesn’t help the company’s image when people complain about their lay-off process.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you very much. Have a wonderful weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks Kally,

    As one who has been there and done that; NEVER make it personal. It’s a No-win position

    God Bless,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you and Godspeed, Patrick.


  6. Ravisingh says:

    Very nice and informative post! Thank you,Kally!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you, Ravisingh!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Ravisingh says:

    My pleasure.

    Liked by 1 person

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