8 Types Of Work-Related Stress

For every employee, business owner, or head officials, work can stress you out; especially on instances where you are trying to meet a target or you are going to close an important deal.

The stress can keep you awake and affect your health negatively, both physical and emotional health. Treating stress is easier if you know the source; but, identifying them can be difficult.

To help you out in identifying what type of work stress you have, here are the 8 types of work stress that is often seen in workplaces and how you can deal with it.

#1 Overworked

This stress occurs when you find yourself busy from the time you arrive at work until you leave. However, during the course of the day, you cannot do anything else in your project because you are not allowed to touch it at anyway. You are also in demand for other jobs that should be done by others.

This type of work stress mostly affects your mind or psychology since you cannot focus properly on all of your tasks. In order to get your work sorted out for a little bit, you can start by trying new avenues where you can join in the decision-making process for your projects.


#2 Frustrated Hardworker

This type of work stress occurs when you find yourself working yourself off and doing extra tasks without being recognized properly for your efforts. Your bosses may have been happy about your work, but they do not properly compensate you for it. As a result, it triggers stress for people who are very driven and wish for approval.

To reduce your stress, try speaking with your boss and discuss your career options. While it may not give you the reward you are after immediately, it could help you get an idea of how you can improve your status or outlook.

#3 Castaway

People who feel like they are alone in the company and not being aided in any way by their boss or co-workers may find themselves at risk to stress since they have no one to talk to for advice or help.

A great way to manage this type of work stress is by getting a good support system set up to make it easier for employees to speak to their boss for help and open up to their fellow workers. You should also work on your conversational skills and be as specific as possible when asking for help.

#4 Softie

The softie is the one who listens to all the demands and complaints of abusive customers but even if they would like to vent out against these customers, they must remain professional and swallow their comments. As the abuse, complaints, and demands come piling in, it may trigger emotional stress.

In order to get through this emotional rollercoaster, ask your boss for advice or training so you can deal with difficult customers without feeling defeated or demoralized. You can also advise ways where you can do your job without having to deal with the abuse directly.


#5 Tech Slave

The tech slave is the one who is connected to the office 24/7 through their mobile, computer and other devices. As a result, the boss would come calling at any given moment and take over your free time with the jobs that must be done.

In order to protect yourself from stress, unplug when you get home to give yourself time to rest and destress. Use your mobile phone’s silent mode from a certain time frame or stay offline until you get to work the next day.

#6 Burnt

For this stress, you are totally exhausted in both mind and body. You do not have enough strength to do anything and any minute now, you might break from the stress. This scenario mostly happens if you are in an industry where everything is high-paced or charged. However, it does happen to other industries as well.

If you are feeling this type of stress, sit down with your supervisor or your boss and ask how you can take a short time off or get a leave of absence to rest properly. You can even go to your doctor to seek a second opinion and get other advice on how you can rest up from burnout.

#7 Target

This type of stress happens when your boss bullies you. He or she would give you all the difficult deadlines, assign you all the work that you are not technically paid to do, and get dressed down even if you didn’t do anything wrong. If you aren’t the target, you may experience this fear when you feel like you will be your boss’s next target.

To face this stress, you can try mollifying your boss or confront him or her with your fellow workers who have also experienced bullying. You can also document all the instances of bullying and report it to your boss or HR department.


#8 Wronged

Finally, this type of stress tends to happen if you find yourself feeling like your work isn’t fair at all. Your boss tends to prefer certain employees, you can’t get how the decision-making and management are done and you are treated like you do not know what you signed up for.

Since you will be mystified by this odd environment, you may find yourself stressed out because you may feel like you have been wronged by the company you work for. In order to get past this issue, you can raise the concern to your HR department or superior and seek some clarification.

Do you identify one of the work stress you are having? Share with us your experience in the comments below.

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19 Comments Add yours

  1. simplymerochelle says:

    Worth sharing. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you and welcome to MiddleMe!


  2. Thanks Kally, SUPER POST!

    I’ve been retired now more than 10 years; but the kinds of bullying and abuses you shared leave deep marks upon one’s physic. Because you asked and perhaps my accounting will aid someone else; I’ll share two instances.

    #3 Castaway: …. I was Retail Buyer, hired away from a competition company where I had apparently been effective is the battle for customers from them by a new Owner of that Company who really was every early on the learning curve of Retail marketing. {He had been a very successful company buyout and accusations guy on Wall Street}; and in his 30’s purchased this regional Electronics & Appliance company that I was a competitor for. … He was Jewish and the company he purchased was owned and staffed by Jewish management. He had plans of going National with the chain. I was very impressed with him.
    He hired me to be the Buyer {purchasing agent} of Appliances for the company. The owner left on a 30 day vacation trip the weekend before I started.

    I was advised who to contact, and that they would set me up with an office and everything that I needed.
    So I arrived a bit early that Monday; waited for two other buyers, who were to assist me. …. They knew of me, but we had never met. Anyway, I introduced myself and shared what the Owner told me to tell them about setting me up in an office and getting me started. …. THEY had not been consulted about hiring me. Long story short; rather than purchase new office equipment, I was told to go into the attached warehouse and “see what I could find.

    No offer was made to assist me, or even to get one of the warehouse men to assist me. …So I took of my suit coat and did it myself, thinking this was some sort of weird test. After getting a beat-up desk and a few chairs and a file cabinet I went back to them and asked about a phone. NO response. … Then I asked for their Buying group’s price sheets and contacts; they refused to give it to me.

    They expected me to sit doing nothing in my office for a month, until the owner returned {they would not share his contact information with me.}…Actually, after the first week, I went to some of the stores and worked with the sales staffs rather than be a “bump on the log” as they envisioned.

    Even after the Owner’s return and purchase of new office furniture, getting me a phone and the information I needed, the other buyers would block every attempt I made to see vendors. So after a few weeks of this, I went to the owner and shared what was going on. He apologized; said that he should have consulted them before hiring me {he eve shared that is was because I wasn’t Jewish}, and one of them desired to see his young son placed in the position I was hired to fill.

    I was then offered the position of Sales Manager; which I accepted. I was charged with finding new store locations and then staffing, training, and supervising construction and merchandising the new stores. I continued to encounter deliberate attempts by the merchants {NOT the owner} who would not send the merchandise I requested; or not on time , or only parts of it…. The Owner was traveling states other than those assigned to me to develop and was largely unavailable to run interference for me.

    After about 6 months of this {most of it on the road and away from home}, I decided that this job’s aggravation scale far surpassed the remuneration I was receiving, and I found other employment.
    #8 Wronged

    I was hired as a “Store Manager” …. When I met the District at the front door, he said “let’s go get a cup of coffee.”…. Then he shared that I would be starting as “The Assistant manager”; and that I was expected to build a case against the present store manager whom I had yet to meet, so they could terminate her, and make me the Manager.

    The Manager turned out to be a militant female-person of color. So I was lied too, and then set up. I worked there for about 6 months; did NOT share the poor management issues that were many and evident {this person was not qualified, trained or experienced for the position.} I kept getting pressure to testify against her; I refused; it’s not what I was hired to do. … Once again there was no good way out. I had contacted the Corporate HR office; who too desired that I build a case against this person whom they had many customer complaints on.

    I share these two stories that make evident the I failed to do MY “Due Diligence”; that I made too many assumptions, such as being gullibly trustworthy. …. If you’re going to seek other employment; spend the time and effort to really get to know what you are getting into. On the Castaway, I had checked with a number of the Manufacture Representatives that I’d be dealing with, who warned me about one of the Buyers {but in theory I would not have much contact with this person}, and I assumed the Owner would actually BE IN CHARGE….. Oops, my error. As a New-Be himself, he was relying heavily on these experienced merchants; one of whom was also the temporary Operations Manager.”

    If the problem is unfixable; sometimes the best advice to “count your losses” as experience and move on.
    I hope this information helps someone.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Oh my! What an experience! Thank you for sharing it with us and definitely will help someone who is in the same position as you were. It must be a torture to work there. I will run away as far as I could but you were very courageous to have stayed so Long.


  3. Very thought provoking ! Better to get moving 👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you so much

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post, sometimes i feel like i experience all kinds of stress at the same time. Stress can lead to several other psychological problems like depression, anxiety. I think everyone should be aware of this. Great you shared this to people. Keep doing your good work 😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you so much for your support and welcome to MiddleMe


  5. txjessy says:

    I’ve been there, great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Thank you, Jessy. I hope you are doing better now.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. txjessy says:

        Yes, thank you! 💕

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Kally,

    In #7, I think that you meant to write for the employee to report it to the boss’ s supervisor or the HR department. Because if their boss is the culprit, they certainly don’t want to report it to that person since they’re not going to help and they may retaliate against the employee.

    Good tips.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kally says:

      Great pointing it out. I think I missed that totally! Thanks, Pamela.


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